Saturday, February 5, 2011

I am anticipating the arrival of Seth...he should be here around 1:00am.  Our weekend with Piper was completely ruined thanks to the once in a blue moon "blizzard" in north Texas!  At least Seth can make it down now that the roads have melted. 
You know what is really interesting to me? some people seem to be stuck in a particular decade, with no desire to join us in the 21st century.  We just got back from Rock Fish, where there was an entire table stuck in the 80's.  Big hair, light wash jeans, puffy jackets...One of the highly intoxicated ladies at the table kept trying to light up in the middle of the restaurant, and then was offended when they reminded her it was a non-smoking restaurant.  She also told the waitress that she only eats seafood from Cabo, not from Rockfish.  It can be so entertaining to people watch...
Off to do some school work.

Catch up

Well, I woke up this morning and phoned my lovely wife.  To my surprise (sarcastically speaking) she was working out again.  It seems that every time I call she is in the middle of some type of work out.  Naturally, I took a glance into the mirror to try to talk myself into thinking I didn't need to work out either.  I was shocked to see that the 30's have taken a toll on my body!  So I marched into the kitchen where my Perfect Pull Up bar has spent a lonely life since I put it up and started pounding out some pull ups.

After 6 grueling pull ups, I puffed out my chest and tried to then convince myself that would be sufficient.  Common sense got the best of me, so I formulated a quick workout that included 2 minutes of jump rope, followed by 6 pull ups, followed by 15 reps of curls using my handy dandy resistance bands, and capped off by 20 pushups.  I did this 4 times, then called it quits for the day.

When I finished I went to the fridge for a thirst quencher, this is what I found!

Shockingly, my brain actually told me....."that looks like that will quench some thirst!"

Then, as I involuntarily started reaching for the ice cold nectar of the gods, common sense smacked me across the face and I replaced the ice cold nectar of the gods with the ice cold nectar of life.

As I started drinking the water I peered into my pantry.  This part is a tad embarrassing as I am a raw chef at a high end fully raw restaurant.  Here is the ugly truth happening at my lonely apartment.

As I began thinking about making some delicious "pork and bean nachos"  I had an epiphany.  What if I alloted a specific amount of time to commit to only drinking goodness and only eating goodness while fueling my body with a constant workout.

So that is what I will do.  Starting Feb. 10th, I will be eating only raw, living foods, working out at least 3 times a week, and blogging about my experience.

It would be helpful if I had some level of accountability from anyone reading this blog.  The blogging aspect of this experiment is mainly for that accountability issue.  I have attempted things like this before, but when something is written, it takes on more power.  Once I send this out to the interwide world web, I kind of have to follow through or I am a complete loser.

So, to my family and friends who decide to follow this, you will also be able to peer into my current situation that involves living 3 hours from my wife and trying to carve my place into a career I have a lot of passion in.  A very lonely but exciting time for me, and this family blog my lovely wife started will be a great place to get thoughts out.

Thanks Linz for creating this blog.